Archive for January, 2011

MKMMA Week 17HJ- Hero’s Journey to DMP

What a wise strategy, Mark and Davene, to have us go back and review some of the previous lessons. Great to be renewing some points, and I was surprised at brand new awarenesses from the previous material.

One thing I was impressed with in the analogy of the battleship was that there is so much more below the surface than above the surface. While the readily visible is impressive and appreciated, the behind the scenes (or below the surface) happenings are monumental in comparison. I can think of several successful people where this certainly rings true.

One excellent example of a definite major purpose was bullet number 24 of the week 9 Master Key System. I could sense Frederick Andrews definite purpose and desire to be whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy after describing himself as being a little, crooked, twisted, cripple. I am purposing to focus on my DMP with the same intensity of desire that Frank had that allowed him to manifest his definite major purpose.

MKMMA Week 17: Powerful Bullets

My bullets from Week 17 Master Key
• Doing the exercises is real not a dress rehearsal
• Problems, discouragements, heartaches are opportunities in disguise
• I have been given eyes to see, mind to think
• Concentrate on realities of life and will then not be disappointed in the results
• Strength is determined by mental attitude
• The spirit of a thing is the thing itself, the vital part of it, the real substance
• Momentary enthusiasm is of no value; it is only with unbounded self-confidence that the goal is reached
• The spiritual insight requires a quickening of the vibrations of the mind and is only secured when the mind is continuously concentrated in a given direction.
I am glad to be realizing the greatness of these profound items not only in applying them, but also the wake up call I receive from results when I fail to keep centered on them. Mark J. and Davene certainly manifest what they teach.

Week 16: Self Awareness- Partner to Self Worth

Chapter 11 of the Greatest Salesman in the World seems to try to impress an awareness of self worth. Would it be safe to say that self worth, self awareness, and self improvement go together? The author points out that our skills, mind, body, unless put to use, become stagnate and deteriorate. Also, it references the need for us to improve our manners and graces, because they are the sugar to which others are attracted. For myself, as I evaluate the virtues of self worth I have desire to have self awareness and be honest and open with myself to see areas in which I can improve. As I improve this enhances my self worth.

Week 15: The Third Law of the Mind

All seven of the SEVEN LAWS OF THE MIND are excellent reminders to me of principles that I must continue to keep motivated to do so I can move forward. With that in mind, the Law of Practice seem to stand out in boldness to me. Perfect Practice Prevents Poor Performance. With practice of the correct things, not just knowledge of correct things.

As was pointed out in article 36 of the week 15 master key lesson, knowledge does not apply itself. Often our actions are not governed by knowledge but by custom, precedent and habit. Therefore, bringing us to the awareness as Og Mandino pointed out, we can blindly follow the customs, precedents, and habits of others and be greatly limited or impaired in our own reasoning ability and insight. While much can be learned by observing the actions of others, we owe it to ourselves to qualify any information or action by inductive reasoning (week 11 master key lesson) and our own principles and beliefs.

Week 14: Reorienting with a Master Mind Alliance

Week 14 Master Key lesson along with the chapter from The Greatest Salesman in the World was very timely for me. I had been aware of the tendency to slip back into some old
patterns of negative thinking.
I felt like I was going in a circle, like someone who is disoriented in a forest.
Sometimes climbing above the terrain can help by locating a familiar land mark, stream etc. (rereading Master key
material) or sitting tight and signaling help (discussing with a Master Mind Alliance) gets one
realigned and back in perspective. Steadily focusing on what we want is so important to enable us to be in harmony with positive empowering thoughts.

Week 13: Unearthing Treasure!

I once saw a tee-shirt with the statement how can I know the answers when I don’t even know the questions?

On the week 13 Master Mind call the question was asked, “What do we choose as painful? What do we choose as pleasurable? Who tells us what is painful? Who tells us what is pleasurable?” Interesting how our perception can be distorted by previous conditioning be it cultural, occupational, regional, religious conditioning or other influences.

Bullet 8 of week 13 tries to impress us with the necessity of observing carefully, patiently, accurately, with all the instruments and resources at our command the individual facts before venturing upon a statement of general laws.

Bullet 10 of week 13 of the master key mentions the value we set upon the truth and avoiding a tyrannical prejudice to neglect or mutilate unwelcome facts. Paying full attention to the most isolated as well as the most frequent phenomena. I am becoming more and more aware as I continue the master key system that inside of me is a gold mine, which I can mine treasure from. Keeping an open, positive mind while in process with the Master Key System is the key to continued unearthing of treasure in my ‘gold mine’.