Posts Tagged ‘Master Mind’

Week 13: Unearthing Treasure!

I once saw a tee-shirt with the statement how can I know the answers when I don’t even know the questions?

On the week 13 Master Mind call the question was asked, “What do we choose as painful? What do we choose as pleasurable? Who tells us what is painful? Who tells us what is pleasurable?” Interesting how our perception can be distorted by previous conditioning be it cultural, occupational, regional, religious conditioning or other influences.

Bullet 8 of week 13 tries to impress us with the necessity of observing carefully, patiently, accurately, with all the instruments and resources at our command the individual facts before venturing upon a statement of general laws.

Bullet 10 of week 13 of the master key mentions the value we set upon the truth and avoiding a tyrannical prejudice to neglect or mutilate unwelcome facts. Paying full attention to the most isolated as well as the most frequent phenomena. I am becoming more and more aware as I continue the master key system that inside of me is a gold mine, which I can mine treasure from. Keeping an open, positive mind while in process with the Master Key System is the key to continued unearthing of treasure in my ‘gold mine’.

MKMMA Week 8: Internal results showing up as external results!

While sitting in my room looking around observing my closet etc. a statement made by noted prosperity consciousness speaker Fredric Lehrman popped into my head– “If you want a picture of what is going on inside your mind, just take a look at your surroundings”. Maybe there is more truth in this statement than I wanted to accept in the past.

As was pointed out in lesson eight of the Master Key, mental habits are difficult to control. However, it can be done by analyzing every thought and substituting constructive thought for destructive thought.

Another exercise from the master key system that expands the development of thought improvement is the assignment to sit and control my thoughts and body for at least 15 minutes per day. A welcome result I have noticed has been a tendency to put objects in their proper place rather than procrastinating. Hence, a happier wife!

Week 1 MKMMA: New Promising Sprouts….

Now that I have completed my first week in participating with all the Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA) assignments, I have noticed many things; a few of them are:

I have a renewed awareness of negativity. Sometimes I am inclined to participate in negativity. Nearly 100% of the time when I find myself thinking and dwelling on negative thoughts, soon I will make some mistake that requires time and effort to correct. However, far more I often now, I want to turn away from negativity finding it distasteful and unproductive and not wishing to participate in it.

Choosing to be positive is productive and most rewarding. Like planting seed, it often takes time and patience to reap the full results. However, the reading assignments for the MKMMA have begun to plant a new kind of seed, and I’m already beginning to see promising sprouts. Thank you Mark J. for giving us the opportunity to begin on this journey!