Posts Tagged ‘DMP’

MKMMA Week 17HJ- Hero’s Journey to DMP

What a wise strategy, Mark and Davene, to have us go back and review some of the previous lessons. Great to be renewing some points, and I was surprised at brand new awarenesses from the previous material.

One thing I was impressed with in the analogy of the battleship was that there is so much more below the surface than above the surface. While the readily visible is impressive and appreciated, the behind the scenes (or below the surface) happenings are monumental in comparison. I can think of several successful people where this certainly rings true.

One excellent example of a definite major purpose was bullet number 24 of the week 9 Master Key System. I could sense Frederick Andrews definite purpose and desire to be whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy after describing himself as being a little, crooked, twisted, cripple. I am purposing to focus on my DMP with the same intensity of desire that Frank had that allowed him to manifest his definite major purpose.