Posts Tagged ‘positive thoughts’

Week 14: Reorienting with a Master Mind Alliance

Week 14 Master Key lesson along with the chapter from The Greatest Salesman in the World was very timely for me. I had been aware of the tendency to slip back into some old
patterns of negative thinking.
I felt like I was going in a circle, like someone who is disoriented in a forest.
Sometimes climbing above the terrain can help by locating a familiar land mark, stream etc. (rereading Master key
material) or sitting tight and signaling help (discussing with a Master Mind Alliance) gets one
realigned and back in perspective. Steadily focusing on what we want is so important to enable us to be in harmony with positive empowering thoughts.

Week Two- Having Good tenants (thoughts!)

Being selective about the thoughts I have is imperative if I want to rewrite the blueprint of my mind with this Master Key System. I
have become more aware of my thoughts since starting the Master Key Master Mind Alliance. Purposing to control my thoughts during 
the 15 minutes in silence has been interesting. I know that as I practice I will become better and better and then be able to 
transmute that into thinking only the thoughts I choose, which will make a huge difference in what my subconscious mind is being programmed with.
When you try to rent a dwelling, isn’t there usually some method of qualifying you as a desirable tenant who will accomplish the owners expectations (profitability)? As I become more proficient at choosing my thoughts, I can be like the gatekeeper making sure the thoughts are qualified to come into my dwelling (subconscious). Are we aware of the benefits of being selective of the thoughts we allow to reside in our minds? The gate keeper of my mind will keep out the thoughts that would undermine my desires so I can can have desirable, profitable tenants (thoughts) for my subconscious mind. It’s exciting that the steps we’re going through in the MKMMA are teaching us these skills!