Posts Tagged ‘MKMMA’

MKMMA Week 17: Powerful Bullets

My bullets from Week 17 Master Key
• Doing the exercises is real not a dress rehearsal
• Problems, discouragements, heartaches are opportunities in disguise
• I have been given eyes to see, mind to think
• Concentrate on realities of life and will then not be disappointed in the results
• Strength is determined by mental attitude
• The spirit of a thing is the thing itself, the vital part of it, the real substance
• Momentary enthusiasm is of no value; it is only with unbounded self-confidence that the goal is reached
• The spiritual insight requires a quickening of the vibrations of the mind and is only secured when the mind is continuously concentrated in a given direction.
I am glad to be realizing the greatness of these profound items not only in applying them, but also the wake up call I receive from results when I fail to keep centered on them. Mark J. and Davene certainly manifest what they teach.

Week 16: Self Awareness- Partner to Self Worth

Chapter 11 of the Greatest Salesman in the World seems to try to impress an awareness of self worth. Would it be safe to say that self worth, self awareness, and self improvement go together? The author points out that our skills, mind, body, unless put to use, become stagnate and deteriorate. Also, it references the need for us to improve our manners and graces, because they are the sugar to which others are attracted. For myself, as I evaluate the virtues of self worth I have desire to have self awareness and be honest and open with myself to see areas in which I can improve. As I improve this enhances my self worth.

Week 15: The Third Law of the Mind

All seven of the SEVEN LAWS OF THE MIND are excellent reminders to me of principles that I must continue to keep motivated to do so I can move forward. With that in mind, the Law of Practice seem to stand out in boldness to me. Perfect Practice Prevents Poor Performance. With practice of the correct things, not just knowledge of correct things.

As was pointed out in article 36 of the week 15 master key lesson, knowledge does not apply itself. Often our actions are not governed by knowledge but by custom, precedent and habit. Therefore, bringing us to the awareness as Og Mandino pointed out, we can blindly follow the customs, precedents, and habits of others and be greatly limited or impaired in our own reasoning ability and insight. While much can be learned by observing the actions of others, we owe it to ourselves to qualify any information or action by inductive reasoning (week 11 master key lesson) and our own principles and beliefs.

Week 10: Embracing the Trail of Truth

As was pointed out in our training materials for the MKMMA, many think chiefly to justify their actions, not thinking their problem through to the end, seeking to console themselves with explanations and excuses. They think only in self-defense. On the other hand, the man who understands that there is no effect without an adequate cause thinks IMPERSONALLY. He gets down to bedrock facts regardless of consequences. He is free to follow the trail of truth wherever it may lead even when it exposes his own character flaws and flawed beliefs.

That text could have been written about ME. It is actually freeing and empowering to know (because of the Master Mind Alliance lessons) the laws of how this universal creativity works, because it has allowed me to begin to be more honest with myself. I now understand how the law will work with my choices I might make and am willing to follow the trail of truth to my success.

Having this awareness has also helped me see that what I viewed in others as negative traits in the past were really strengths that would be helpful for me to possess myself. For example, a person who had self-confidence seemed to be to be somewhat arrogant, proud or cocky to me, and I tended to look ‘sideways’ at a person who didn’t conform. Now I see that the person I perceived as being a ‘proud or arrogant’ person was really exuding the self-confidence obtained from being in harmony with this universal law. I also see the person who didn’t conform was standing by their beliefs and personal preferences in a way that a person of high self worth would. I also know how they received their high self worth: by acting in harmony with the universal laws.

MKMMA has given me new hope and new enthusiasm for life – so much so that my wife is telling me I’m looking younger!!

Week 9: Review=Found Treasure!

Our son and daughter, home from college for Thanksgiving,were talking about mid-term exams coming up, reviewing, studying etc.. So I decided to do a review of the week 5 MKMMA videos.

Mark J stated that people join the MKMMA system because they want change. However, change often equals stress. When under stress we are most likely to react in our typical usual way. The three most typical reactions are: 1) do what they like to do 2) do what they know how to do 3) do what they are familiar with doing. Having the same reaction each time is what got them the results they wanted to change in the first place!

Being reminded of our typical reactions to change was very helpful for me at this point. This gave me a timely reminder that the ingenious ‘exercises’ we are doing keep us with the process for our empowerment.

Reviewing the previous Master Key lessons was not like left over turkey! It was refreshing, giving me renewed direction and sense of purpose– like another trip to the gold mine where there is still much to be discovered.

MKMMA Week 8: Internal results showing up as external results!

While sitting in my room looking around observing my closet etc. a statement made by noted prosperity consciousness speaker Fredric Lehrman popped into my head– “If you want a picture of what is going on inside your mind, just take a look at your surroundings”. Maybe there is more truth in this statement than I wanted to accept in the past.

As was pointed out in lesson eight of the Master Key, mental habits are difficult to control. However, it can be done by analyzing every thought and substituting constructive thought for destructive thought.

Another exercise from the master key system that expands the development of thought improvement is the assignment to sit and control my thoughts and body for at least 15 minutes per day. A welcome result I have noticed has been a tendency to put objects in their proper place rather than procrastinating. Hence, a happier wife!

Week 5: How did THAT get here?

Our mental homes are designed by and composed by the thoughts we entertain. Since I now understand this fact, I know that my conscious mind received its governing tendencies as the result of the environment I’ve had in my life, and the choices I made sometimes probably in only a split second without much thought, to allow a certain belief into my subconscious mind with very little examination and inspection. I’m becoming aware that many of the ‘furnishings’ I have in my mental house need to be thrown out! It’s almost as if I let some of my own enemies into my house with open arms, and makes me think how did THAT get here?! As they come forward and make themselves known to me, instead of repressing them or shooing them away, I will be throwing them OUT and replacing them with thoughts I now choose. I’m now in control of what goes in and what goes out with great anticipation of the results. It’s inspiring to think that matter is inert and my thought makes my reality.

Week 1 MKMMA: New Promising Sprouts….

Now that I have completed my first week in participating with all the Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA) assignments, I have noticed many things; a few of them are:

I have a renewed awareness of negativity. Sometimes I am inclined to participate in negativity. Nearly 100% of the time when I find myself thinking and dwelling on negative thoughts, soon I will make some mistake that requires time and effort to correct. However, far more I often now, I want to turn away from negativity finding it distasteful and unproductive and not wishing to participate in it.

Choosing to be positive is productive and most rewarding. Like planting seed, it often takes time and patience to reap the full results. However, the reading assignments for the MKMMA have begun to plant a new kind of seed, and I’m already beginning to see promising sprouts. Thank you Mark J. for giving us the opportunity to begin on this journey!