Week 10: Embracing the Trail of Truth

As was pointed out in our training materials for the MKMMA, many think chiefly to justify their actions, not thinking their problem through to the end, seeking to console themselves with explanations and excuses. They think only in self-defense. On the other hand, the man who understands that there is no effect without an adequate cause thinks IMPERSONALLY. He gets down to bedrock facts regardless of consequences. He is free to follow the trail of truth wherever it may lead even when it exposes his own character flaws and flawed beliefs.

That text could have been written about ME. It is actually freeing and empowering to know (because of the Master Mind Alliance lessons) the laws of how this universal creativity works, because it has allowed me to begin to be more honest with myself. I now understand how the law will work with my choices I might make and am willing to follow the trail of truth to my success.

Having this awareness has also helped me see that what I viewed in others as negative traits in the past were really strengths that would be helpful for me to possess myself. For example, a person who had self-confidence seemed to be to be somewhat arrogant, proud or cocky to me, and I tended to look ‘sideways’ at a person who didn’t conform. Now I see that the person I perceived as being a ‘proud or arrogant’ person was really exuding the self-confidence obtained from being in harmony with this universal law. I also see the person who didn’t conform was standing by their beliefs and personal preferences in a way that a person of high self worth would. I also know how they received their high self worth: by acting in harmony with the universal laws.

MKMMA has given me new hope and new enthusiasm for life – so much so that my wife is telling me I’m looking younger!!

One response to this post.

  1. Amazing to see life through a different set of lenses, isn’t it Leon?
    Keep up the self discovery!

    Mark J


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